10% of your purchase

will be donated to various ministries working to advocate for orphans in Korea. Single mothers shelters, orphanages, adoptions, aged-out youth, and more. Thank you for being a part of this Korea So Cute journey. We are grateful and couldn't do it without you!

Hey guys! Nice to meet you!

My name is Wilson. Welcome to my shop! When I was recently in Korea, I saw all of the cute stuff they had and fun, yummy snacks. I really wanted to open a shop and sell stuff, so I thought why not sell things from Korea & things that remind me of what I saw during my visit. Mommy says we are using this for me to learn a lot. Some of the money I make will go back to ministries, some in a savings account, AND I get to buy some toys!!! ๐Ÿ˜ I hope you like everything!

"Make the world a better place, not Mars."

- Wilson